We ask that authors supply the text as a Word (or similar) file by email or on a USB drive/CD, together with a complete print out which is exactly the same as the material on the disk (so we can check we have everything that we should have).
It is helpful if you do as little to the text as possible in terms of formatting. This means that you would, for example, italicise words that need to be in italics, but don’t worry about making the layout pretty because it is best for us to work with plain text and layout, and we will remove most of this type of formatting anyway. Use one hard return (enter) to start a new paragraph, after a chapter title or a sub-heading, or before inserting a caption.
Tables can be supplied laid out using Word’s table function, using tabs, or by hand (if the writing/drawing is very clear). We will need a correct print out of all tables to ensure that we set them accurately. Diagrams, maps, family trees etc can be supplied in a number of forms and it would be best to discuss this with one of us at Carnegie Scotforth before sending anything to us.
If you have at this stage assembled and numbered all the pictures to be included (see the section on pictures), you will need to show us where you would like them to be placed. You can either mark on your print out where they are to be placed, or type the picture number/digital picture filename and caption in your typed text at the place where the picture needs to be. As long as each caption is a new paragraph we can easily pick them out.
Once we have your text we convert it so that it can be imported into our page layout programme ready for design and typesetting. As part of this process we will ‘tidy up’ the file, getting rid of double spaces, and standardising as much as we can (such as the way dates are written etc). The content is not altered by doing this; it’s just a bit of polishing really.
We don’t edit or proofread your text unless you have specifically asked us to do so. If you require a full manual edit you will need to discuss this with us and an appropriate editor will be allocated. We can do a computer-based proofread and edit, however, which will often be sufficient, and this is a relatively low cost option because it doesn’t involve a complete read-through of the text. You can decide what you would prefer after initial discussions with us.